Lost another angle

Today was a long sad day. It started at 6:00 in the morning I had to be at the hospital for a d&c I cried so much. Why dose god punish use? And your mind starts to wonder did I do something wrong? The nurse at the hospital said things happen for a reason! I want to slap her. I'm just so angry sometimes people say the wrong things the hurt even know they try yo mean well. All I have Hurd is I'm sorry for your loss , things happen for a reason. But nothing helps the pain of losing you baby. My sweet husband has held me when I've cried he wipes my tears away. He said god needed another angle. And we will try again. He went out and bought me a soft blanket and a memory box he put all the ultrasound pic in there along with my bracelet from my surgery. And a angle pin in it. And said we will never forget but we need to put this away so we can move on. We held each other and he covered me with the soft blanket and said I need to rest its been along hard day. I'm so thankful for my wonderful husband and my 2 beautiful girls. Its just hard to move on from something you never got to feel or hold. Just a picture and the pain. I guess one day at a time. I just had to vent out how my day started.