Could this be true?


I miscarried in November 2016 just 7 months after giving birth to my daughter. We have been TTC ever since. We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility. We did 6 rounds of letrozole with no success. We took about a year off from the

fertility medication to try and conceive naturally. When that didn't happen I turned to accupuncture. I have been doing accupuncture for 4 months now and just last month we decided to give

<a href="">IUI</a> a shot. I took clomid and had the trigger shot on day 14 (8/21) of my cycle with IUIon day 16(8/23)I also did accupuncture before and after the

<a href="">IUI</a>. I had light spotting when I wiped on 9/1and 9/2 and thought for sure my period would be starting but it hasn't I did not test out the ovidrel but decided to take a test when Af didn't come. . Here I am 13 days past trigger and 11

<a href="">IUI</a>

The line seems to be darker. I pray that this is it 💕