Late and getting a BFN


Hey so I was suppose to get AF on Saturday but still have not gotten it. I have been 5 days late before but the thing was those times I still had all the period symptoms from sore breasts to cramping. Today I’m on day 3 of my “missed” period and I have no signs of AF coming. I’ve been feeling more tired than usual, been really hungry but not able to eat much, and have felled really flushed. Today I started getting a faint backache with very mild cramping. 1.5 weeks ago I did notice a little spotting after using the restroom and that was 5 days post ovulation. I’ve taken a few cheap pregnancy tests and they have all come out negative. Any suggestions on what could be going on? Also, when I cut open a pepper on Sunday there was a baby pepper inside! Coincidence?! That’s never happened to me before.