Am I being unreasonable?!

So I am at my family doctor at 5w4d (since I am shopping around for an OB and none will see me before 8 weeks). I’ve been here since 10:45 (it’s currently noon), and I told them that I would like a confirmation and then lab drawn so that I can have my HCG and progesterone numbers.

Quick backstory: I had a miscarriage in 2105, and then got pregnant again and had my beautiful son in 2017. By during that pregnancy with my son, I was put on progesterone in the beginning (I had spotting and bleeding) and then again toward the middle because my cervix looked short.

Anyways, after being here for over an hour, the OB here says they aren’t going to do the labs or provide me progesterone but instead will refer me to a maternal specialist, who should call me within a week or so to take my labs and prescribe me progesterone. Ummm, WHAT?! Well then what was the point of me coming here? I had explained to the nurse on the phone what I wanted before I made the appointment and had to get approved for the appointment. Of course I expressed my disappointment (politely), and the OB went ahead and let me get my labs, but I’m honestly irritated right now. I know hormones can be crazy right now, so am I making too big of a deal about this?

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