Anyone ready for next baby??


My daughter turned 1 on May 1st and my son turned 3 in July. My husband and I are tossing around when we want to go for baby #3. We had gotten pregnant with our daughter 3 weeks after our son turned 1. So they are 21.5 months apart, just shy of two years. I sometimes think I’d like to get pregnant this December which would make baby #3 due next September. My youngest and the new baby would then be about 2 years and 4 months apart. Making my daughter 6 months older than her brother was when she was born. While at times that sounds great, other times it gives me a little anxiety thinking of having 3 kids 4 and under!! While at times my two can be handful, I also love that they are so close in age and have each other to interact with. Because they are so close in age, I don’t want too big of a gap between the next baby and then they always feel left out. Are you ready to try for another? How far apart are your current kids?

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