First day of Daycare


Today is my son’s first day at daycare. I know the next week or so he will be fussy and exhausted when I pick him up from the routine change and all the stimulation at daycare.

Any of you mamas have any advice for getting into a new routine or dealing with baby after his first few weeks at daycare? Anything else I should be expecting/aware of?

I’m anticipating he will get sick within the first month 😫 Just curious of other peoples’ experiences.

Pic of my nugget just because 😍

*Update - his first two days have gone amazingly so far! He loves daycare and the kids, naps and eats well, and seems completely himself at daycare. When we get home he’s exhausted and takes a nap, but otherwise is his happy, smiley, chatty self! Couldn’t have asked for his transition to daycare to start off any better 😀 thanks for all the comforting words mamas!