Still breech


Well, went in for our 32 week growth scan due to a marginal cord. Baby boy is growing normally, fluid levels look good, and based on measurements he is 4lb 5oz. I think I'm in for another big baby.

Dr is not worried about him still being breech but will continue to monitor me to see when/if he will turn.

He is a very stubborn little man. The tech was pushing and doing everything she could to coerce him to move his hands but he wouldn't budge an inch.

Regular appt with obgyn in the AM to discuss further what type of monitoring she is referring to and to go over possible alternatives just in case baby boy decides that hes comfy just the way he is. Currently feet/butt down facing my right side and using the placenta as a pillow.

That explains why I'm only feeling movement on the left all this time.

Come on baby boy. Only 8 weeks or less to go.