Mucus in poop? Nutramigen!

Hello my girl is 5m old. She was exclusively bottle fed breastmilk until 7w old when she developed milk and soy allergy and extreme reflux. She was put in nutramigen and reflux medication.

When he soy and dairy issues first started out she was having tiny poops with almost every diaper. As she got older her poops were 1-2 times a day.

Recently she has been acting fine but pooping with just about every other diaper change during the day. I change her as needed or every hour and a half.

Her poops used to have a little bit of mucous and specks of blood, but as she’s gotten older her symptoms get better then slightly worse then better again.

Now for the past few days she’s been having larger amounts of mucous in her diapers again and we just saw gastro two weeks ago who said she shouldn’t needed amino based formula by this point.

She was introduced to rice maybe 4-5 times about a month ago so there isn’t any food in her belly.

Had anyone gone through something similar? No temps either