High AFP levels???


I got my results back and they said my AFP levels were a little elevated which can indicate neural tube defects, some issues with the belly, or placental issues. They said the risk with my levels is around 5% of something being wrong with the baby but the fact that i just had a normal anatomy scan the same day they drew the blood they said my risk is even lower. So she said a less than 5% chance of anything being wrong but i can’t help but worry lol. I already have a follow up anatomy scan next week since i was only 18 weeks at my first one and they didn’t see her heart or feet very well so it’s to double check everything. So i guess they will do a more detailed scan of her spine and belly to make sure she’s okay. I know the odds sound more like she will be perfectly fine but just the fact that there is a Chance makes me nervous!!! Anyone else ever had any similar?? All my other NIPT tests came back normal and I’ve not had any issues at all.

Just a little worried and really anxious for my appointment next week! Thanks ladies.