First time pregnancy and i need advice or tell me i’m not crazy

My boyfriend and I got pregnant, unplanned and i’m only 10w3d. These hormones are very rough on me and rough on him. We both are new to all of this so it has been so rough. Lately i don’t like staying with him and am wanting to either be home with my parents or alone. He wants to be with me pretty much all the time and he lives 30 minutes away. So i usually stay with him because he is very allergic to my cat and she sheds like CRAZY. But i just dread staying with him because i’ve clinged to my mom and want her all the time. I guess i should add i am 18, and before anyone comments anything saying i’m young or should’ve been safer. I don’t need that because it is already been through my mind but it has happened and we are going to have the baby. I just don’t know what to do because he doesn’t understand and wants me there with him but i want to be at home with my mom. Help ?? ANYTHING