Army wives


My husband and I are expecting our first child together. A little back story my husband is in the national guard he joined the beginning of this year he was supposed to leave earlier in the year but his date to leave always got pushed back. My husband and I prior to that were trying to conceive , we tried for about 5 or 6 months and nothing. After everything we came to an agreement that we would just wait until he came back from training and AIT to start trying again meanwhile I was going to focus on having and living a more healthier life style. Soon after out of no where I got my first positive on a pregnancy test and I was so emotional and I had a lot of things running through my head. My husband was extremely happy and excited but we knew that he was going to have to leave. Whenever We to our first dr appointment we were given a due date of January 22nd then after they gave him a set day to leave which is September 4th today. Whenever he went to get his orders the date on their said September 9th and I was happy because he was going to be able to go to the anatomy ultrasound before he left. Yesterday after we had lunch together he called me and told me his sgt called him and told him that he was leaving tomorrow and to be their on time. It was something that I was expecting to happen but not so fast. So today I had to do the hardest thing ever it was to tell him see you later, I’m so sad because my best friend my world is leaving and I will be going through the other half of my pregnancy by myself. He will miss out on a lot of stuff and we will just be able to write for the first 2 months and if lucky in AIT he may get his phone once a week but that’s not for sure . I am trying to be strong for not only myself but also for my daughter. It’s hard to swallow it. Our little baby came into our lives when we least expected it. I will always be grateful for her. I just don’t know how I will be able to cope with this with being by myself and doing everything alone. The scariest part for me is that he may not be their whenever I deliver our babygirl . I am praying that he will be able to go for an emergency leave at least 2 days, I know that their can be a big possibility that he won’t be able to be their but just thinking about it makes me really emotional. I would just like some advice from women that have gone through this or maybe something similar. How were y’all able to cope with everything and deal with everything?