Christians & Sex

I'm struggling, I have for awhile now, i was raised by a single mom in a Christian home. Went to church reguarally. I was raised sex should be between you and your husband, it's something sacred and you shouldn't give it to anyone and everyone. So I was a virgin till i was 23 and lost my virginity to a total POS guy who defiantly didn't deserve it and I knew it at the time. Fast forward I'm married been with my husband almost 6 years, married for 3. Our daughter is 6 months old. I don't really care for sex at all. I don't feel sexy, or sexual and I find it kinda gross and I feel ashamed. I only ever hear about sex from my friends who are single, never been married and who honestly have slept with more than 40 men. I want to know how Christians do it, in a way to make myself feel like it's ok, its ok to get freaky and kinky. Has anyone else struggled with this? I also struggle with vaginismus (painful sex). Please help me I want to have a happy healthy sex life without feeling like I'm doing something wrong.