Moving 4-week-old to Crib?


My son was a great sleeper the first two weeks home and would sleep at least one 4-5 hour chunk at night in his pack and play. The last two weeks, he’s awake every 2-3 hours to eat, and eats every 1.5-2 hours during the day (in the evenings it’s every hour). At night, he is a really loud sleeper, grunting, groaning, kicking and fighting the swaddle, etc. (We’ve tried without the swaddle and he sleeps even worse.) I find myself having a hard time sleeping because he’s loud and wiggly, and I keep thinking he’s about to wake up, so then I can’t sleep. I put him down for a nap in his crib today and he seems to be doing okay, which makes me kind of want to transition him a few weeks earlier than I was originally planned (was going to wait three more weeks). I feel like I would sleep a little better that way, but I feel selfish because I know that the recommendation is they room/share for as long as possible. Anyone in the same boat or have the same experience? What did you do?