Anyone counting macros while pregnant?

Ashton • 👩🏻🧔🏽👼🏽 👶🏻 || Total Thyroidectomy || Benign Pituitary Tumor

I’m curious as to if you’ve been doing this from the beginning or if your doctor warned you against it, etc? I used to count macros and when I started having thyroid problems I stopped. My thyroid levels were always messed up and once we finally got them right with the medication, I got pregnant and I’m now 21 weeks and my levels have been fine so I’d like to go back to counting macros and working out now that my energy is back. My doctor said his only concern (a month or so ago) was that I hadn’t gained any weight. Then I had an ultrasound and they said everything looked perfect. I just don’t feel like nutrition wise I eat the best food (cause I’ve literally been eating whatever I can to keep from losing more weight) but I feel like macros would help me be more aware. Any advice is appreciated. I see him on the 11th.