TWW is killing me & so are these symptoms 😩

🌻sunrisesunset • Mommy to two beautiful daughters 💓💓| PCOS | 29 | TTC #3

Not sure if it’s the Clomid effecting my body, body prepping for AF...or if I could finally be 🤰🏼

50 MG clomid days 3-7 second round and UGH.😩😩😖

I’m experiencing:

•Hot Flashes at night (BAD), almost feels like our A/C is out and when I get up to check...solid 68°🥵

•Achy cramps/Twinges in my lower abdomen, sometimes in my hip???

•Pain in my lower back, sometimes worse than other times.

•Mood Swings...poor hubby 😅

•Occasional Dizziness?

•A mix of milky white discharge & Thick Clear w/white boogery textured CM?🤮

-and yes I am one of those who check CM. No shame in my game 🤷🏼‍♀️

•BLOATING. Oh my word do I look like a the point my shorts are a bit tighter 😖

I didn’t experience half of these symptoms my last round, so I’m wondering if it’s due to AF being due in 8 days, the Clomid or if I could be pregnant after 16 months of trying with PCOS..🤞🏼

Currently 6dpo, anyone else with me?