

My daughter started with a fever last night. It was 100.7. I figured maybe it was teething, gave her Tylenol, and she was fine. When she woke up this morning it was 100.9 and she was very fussy. I brought her to the doctor and they tested her for viral infections, which came back negative. Her ears and throat looked good. So, fever is her only symptom. The fever came back around 3:00pm today so I gave her Motrin. Around 8:30 tonight I checked and it was 99.8. The doctor said give her medicine as needed and make sure she’s drinking enough. I’m just wondering if anyone else has any ideas or has experienced this? She acts totally fine and the fever has never gone past 100.9 but it always comes back once the medicine wears off.

*we ruled out teething. She has 8 teeth and it has always been very obvious when she is teething.