Waiting (eye roll)

Ashley • BOY MOM. #2 due Jan 2020 💙

So TOMORROW we get to find out the gender of the little babe in my tummy that’s been practicing it’s flips.. guys I’m so excited. I really don’t have a gender preference I’m just so excited to be welcoming this baby into our family. I’m so excited that I get to make a human being half of me and half of the person whom I love most in this world. Although I am having dreams it’s a boy, I’m convinced it’s a boy 😜 neither of us have a gender preference and I think this is the most exciting thing for neither of us to have a gender preference, not that having a preference is a bad thing? We just don’t! I’ve been obsessing over names, we don’t have names picked for either gender and he wants to wait until the baby is born to give him/her a name. Though I kind of like this idea I’m 50/50 about it 😂 ugh this man loves finding new ways to drive me crazy