I'm Feeling great ......what about you ????

Dolly • So Blessed👑💁🏼💅🏼💋💄💍 God's Child🙏🏼SuperMommy👶🏼🚼 Wife💍.
Thursday Oct 15th I will be officially 3 months  and I have to say I'm feeling and looking great . I have not had one sign of morning sickness , no vomiting or nausea .Only thing I have been experiencing is severe backaches, sore boobs, on and off brown discharge and light headaches. My stomach is still small, it looks like a little gut so you can't really tell that I'm pregnant unless I say something . I just pray the next 2 trimesters go easy as the 1st because when I had my son I was sick all the way to my 2nd trimester . How Is everyone else feeling ? Is anyone not feeling any morning sickness like me ?