Welcome to the world Zane David! 💙

My sweet baby boy was born 11 days ago on September 29 at 10:18pm weighing 7 lbs and 20" long by VBAC. I was 39 weeks and 2 days and I could've sworn I was going to go past my due date! I started having very mild contractions the night before about 8:30. They gradually started getting stronger but they weren't consistent so I felt like it was probably false labor. By the next morning, I was hurting pretty bad, and had a doctors appointment that afternoon anyway. So we decided to go ahead and go in early. When I got to the hospital at 10:00am, I was dilated 2-3cm and 70% effaced. So I had to seriously get this baby moving down because I did NOT want to go home! By 3:00, I was dilated to 4-5, and was admitted. I was on the birth ball, walking up and down the halls, in the labor tub, swaying with my hubby, and whatever else my doula suggested. My water finally broke as I was going into transition, and I was ready to push shortly after! After an hour and a half of pushing, Zane David came into the world. I had an unmedicated VBAC!!! I was really worried I would be begging for the epidural, but looking back, I realized it never even crossed my mind. It was the best kind of pain I could have ever experienced. I'm so thankful for how smooth everything went. My birth plan went exactly as planned. 💙