Do you spend enough quality time with your family on the weekend?

Traci • Two boys 3 & 5. Married on 1/1/16. Had our miscarriage 12/11/15 and we are praying for a sticky baby!
My previous post explains the important of letting go of the sin and negativity in our lives to move forward and spend QUALITY time with our spouse and our family and keeping them positive.
I want to emphasize that QUALITY time is more important than QUANTITY. 
You could be spending all the time in the world with your kids but unless you're engaged in playing cars, cuddling, coloring, going to the museum, zoo, etc, they aren't bonding and that is the point of spending quality time with one another. 
God bless all who read.
And remember! I love you but most importantly GOD loves you.
Have a blessed Saturday!

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