I think I got my hopes up

So we found out our baby’s gender yesterday. We have three children already and this is our 4th. It’s more than likely our last child as it will be my 4th csection and my doctor is urging me to get my tubes tied. We have two boys and a little girl. Yesterday we found out we would be having another boy. My husband had been hoping for a girl. I have pretended I wanted a boy (secretly hoping for a girl too). So when the tech said boy I forced a smile. My husband can not hide his emotions and was clearly disappointed. But he’s fine now, excited even.I however have found myself getting teary eyed when I think of my daughter and what I had hoped for/could have been. As soon as I think that way, I feel immense guilt for wanting something other than my son. Has anyone else been through something like this? Did the feeling go away?