When to stop swaddling?

Tara • 32• Married • Almost 3 years TTC • 6 IUIs • Roman James , July 7, 2019 💙 Baby #2 due May 2023 💚 through IVF 💉

So my son is 9 weeks old tomorrow, and we still have him in a sleep sack with the Velcro to swaddle at night. He’s not rolling over yet and I think he would wake up more if he wasn’t swaddled.

Well, we had his 2 month appointment yesterday and they gave us a packet of info which says to stop swaddling at 2 months....

I don’t see why unless he was rolling over and it was a safety issue.

They didn’t tell us any of this verbally, I just read it this morning.

When did you or when do you plan to stop swaddling?