Deadbeat daddies and “choosing better” other opinions ?

Okay so apparently quite a few people feel like Moms that have deadbeat baby daddies should’ve just “picked someone better to have sex with.”

Wish it was that easy but 95% of the time they don’t show they’re a deadbeat until it’s already too late for you to do anything about it. Plus no woman wants to believe that this man she cares for and is bringing life into this world with is a piece of shit. Unless this man has previous children that you know he’s not taking care of in any way you can’t blame the woman, because how was she supposed to know he’d jump up and decide he didn’t want to be responsible for a kid?? She couldn’t have known that.

It’s so easy for you to say “Oh well she should’ve just picked someone better” when you’ve never been through it and you’re so lucky if you haven’t.

But I see people saying this a lot and if you’ve never experienced it you truly have no idea what it’s like to be in that type of situation and to hear well should’ve picked better. What good does that do? The deed is done and it’s already too late.

Also this goes for men with deadbeat baby mommas too, they’re just as bad.🤷🏻‍♀️

**This is mainly a rant.😅