Guys... GUYS!!!

Claire • Married 💍 Mommy to 🌈 👧🏼 Madeline Jane 5.25.19 | Baby boy 💙 coming August 2021!! | 👼🏼 Ectopic pregnancy survivor

My child has been asleep for a nap for almost an hour now in her crib.. IN HER CRIB! She's been waking 30 minutes on the nose for each nap anytime I've put her in her crib and I've been having to wear her in the baby carrier the last couple of weeks to get her to sleep longer but a miracle has transpired and she's sleeping.. She woke a couple of times and went back to sleep. Without me having to rock her for a thousand years. This is my win for the day. My knees are very happy right now. I could care less if her naps for the rest of the day are shit because at least she's got this one good one in! 🙏🏼

Anyone else have a small win like this for the day?