My toddlers morning wees suddenly STINK 🤢


My 2 year and 3 month old has this week woken up with the stinkiest wet nappies she’s ever had. They smell absolutely revolting, like week old pee is the only way I can describe it. We are having to shower her in the morning and wash all bedding every day, and air her room out.

Nothing about what she is eating or drinking has changed, same nappy brand being used throughout, we obviously took her to the doctors in case of a UTI and that’s come back normal. We have been potty training for about a month with lots of success with the wees and a few issues with the poos.

I don’t want to sound like a ridiculous worried mum posting about morning pee smelling because I know it does, however this is new for her and it is so pungent and come on out of nowhere this last week. We are filling her with fluids more so than normal and all her pees in her potty in the day smell fine, it’s just the morning one. Anyone come across this before with their own little ones?