My ex’s trial victim letter 📝

I want you to listen to my voice because it will be the last time you hear it.

I am not sure how to write this... or what to say. I hate you I hate you so much. I hope you know I ripped all your pictures off the wall, I hope you dream and you can’t sleep and you think about it, and when you dream I hope you can’t sleep and you scream about it, I hope your conscious eats at you and you can’t eat and living seems unbearable. You have caused so much pain and hurt and you’ll never be forgiven. You don’t deserve to be locked away you deserve the electric chair or better to be publicly hung and made an example off. I have a lot of acrimony. It’s because of you I’ll never get to see L.D go to preschool or be a normal happy child. Because of you he’s not with me. I hate you so much and I hope you burn in Hell for the pain and suffering you have caused me and my family. Your a waste of space on this earth and your not needed or welcomed. Judgement day will come for you one day. I wish you nothing but bad thoughts pain and suffering. You took something from me that I will never be able to have again. You took a son from his mother and a mother from her son. I’ll never be the same you have completely affected my outlook on life and humans as a whole.

I pray God Has No Mercy on your Soul.

Your honor on April 30 2016 at 11:21pm my life changed and forever it will never be the same, the innocence of a child was taken. I know you can’t take my pain away or fix what’s broken but you can make an example, and set the clock to today July 30 why should he get time served or good behavior when LD was a good boy a two year old innocent boy who’s good behavior or kind heart didn’t apply. It’s time to make people like him fear the consequences of their actions and be made an example of.