Sleep regression or what? How do i cope?


My little girl is 17 weeks today. She has been sleeping almost fully through the night since about 2 months. No issues. I get her ready for bed at 830 and by 9 she is in her crib. She has no issues sleeping her crib and the transition to her crib was seamless. For the past couple nights..seems shes been struggling. Usually by the time i lay her down she goes right to sleep. Lately shes just been in laying in bed with her eyes wide open till she falls asleep. Tonight, she was in bed by 9. 40 mins later she starts crying for like a second and then falls back to sleep. I dont practice the cry it out method and dont plan on it. So, hat does this mean...will she need fed more? If she she starts crying should i just leave her there till she self soothes(never more than 5 mins). Was prayign she wouldnt go through the 4 month sleep regression. Also hoping dr. Puts her on rice cereal since shes 4 months. Heard that can help them sleep better. She also reflux and i heard it helps with that too. Any advice?