I Slept With My Boss 😱!!!

Okay, so my boss came on to me back in April after a few months of my working at the company. We became pretty good friends before he even shot his shot. I am 22 years old with 1 son and he’s 27 years old with toddler son as well. I entertained him and we have been having sex ever since.

Now, this is where the problems comes in at... We are both in “situationships”... We never talked about being together or being anything more than just sexual with one another at FIRST...

So let’s fast forward... He’s NOW no longer my boss because he resigned and I later quit as well. We have still been communicating pretty much but it seems as if he only talks to me now when it’s about sex. So, I broke it off with him a few weeks ago after sex and I just told him that was the last time and we could no longer have sex but we can keep our friendship.

He was highly upset. He says he’s gained feelings for me, he was hoping we could be together, he wants to be able to be with me everyday. Blah-Zay-blahZae 🙄🙄

Thursday, i saw him for the first time since we last had sex approx 2 weeks ago. He was saying how he missed me and he doesn’t want me to be sad, etc. ETC 🙄

We did end up having sex on Thursday 🤦🏽‍♀️ I couldn’t resist 😭... SINCE Thursday (3 days ago), I haven’t spoken to him unless I reach out to him first and then he just responds with something very short and dry. 😑

Honestly, I don’t know if I should believe that his feelings are true... Simply because his actions & words aren’t matching. I how could you go ALL DAY and MORE THAN 1 Day, without talking to the person “YOU LIKE”?!