Stressful and emotional week

Brittany • Lilly Rose 11.5.19💕

This past week has been very stressful and emotional for me. From being short staffed at my work, to getting into and argument with my best friend and now my husband being in the hospital and me not really being able to be there with him is all taking a toll on me. He went the er yesterday because of throwing up and having really bad stomach pains. They kept him overnight for observation and is doing a scope right now. I got to see him for a couple hours last night but really wanted to stay with him over night, but with being in my 7 month of pregnancy him and his nurses both told me trying to sleep in that god awful chair would be a bad idea. So I went home. I don’t drive or have a car and all I want to do is be there with him. All I keep doing is crying. Any tips to try to keep myself stress free and to stay calm?