Do men know they’re playing mind games?

Ladies!!! I need to vent so please don’t mind me. I told my fiancé that I needed a night to relax by myself bc I have been so stressed. He told me ok. I was sitting on the couch reading and he comes out and was like “have you seen my wallet?” Then I got up and helped him look and it was in plain sight. Then he kept coming out for little stuff or kept asking if I wanted to spend time with him. So I finally went in the shower and locked the door and sat in there for about a half hour then I hear a knock on the door. “Why are you still in there come on we have to go somewhere.” And I was like wtf???? So I rushed out of the shower, combed my hair, got dressed, and then went out to see why WE needed to go anywhere. He said “ready to return this Nintendo switch?” And I was like seriously? Then I go with him, and the entire time he barely aknowledged me. I took a second to get out of the car and he was already in the store. Every time I talked to him he told me he was busy or doing something. Like wtf? Any one else’s man act like that?