My Good Friday BabyGirl 🤱🏽


Evalina Jade 👸🏼 - my first beautiful daughter! 4:19:19 - born 1217pm via c section. 20.5 in long 10.7lbs. She is now 20 weeks and 2 days old; at her four month check up two weeks ago she was 15lbs 7.4 oz and 24.25 inches long 😊 she’s been sleeping through the night since she was 7 weeks old (right when I went back to work! Thankfully (and so blessed!🙏🏼) she loves to hang out with mom (& her grammie during the day) and watch tv! Her favorite show is super monsters on Netflix lol she gets so giddy and giggly while she watches it. The first movie she watched from start to finish was coco 🤓. She loves taking baths and going for walks with mom outside to feel the cool breeze and explore new surroundings. She is the best little baby and I am so blessed and thankful to be her momma. 🤱🏽💕