Any advice?


My LO isn’t eating as much as she usually does. I’m worried because any time she does eat she spits up, or gets a tummy ache afterwards. I don’t think it’s my milk because I taste tested the milk from my stash and compared it to freshly expressed milk and there wasn’t a difference. She recently has also been on a strike against nursing from my breast, and only wants bottles. We used the anti colic Dr. Browns. So idk why she’s having tummy issues. I can hear her tummy bubbling, so I’ve been giving her gripe water whenever she’s seems to be in pain. I’ve also been doing tummy massages, making sure to do “running legs” regularly during play time, we always burp her after feedings. I’m thinking about calling her Pediatrician, but she’s still making lots of wet diapers and has still be having at least one BM per day. Her poop doesn’t look different. I’m just stumped on why she’s having tummy problems☹️ anyone have any advice? Could this just be a phase?