Is this normal?

I really need someone to tell me I’m not crazy cause right now I feel so alone and helpless. Right before my period (about a week before) I get so emotional and think the world is ending. Literally I cry and cry and I can’t eat and I shake. Things that don’t usually bother me and I put my husband through hell. He actually told me that he’s noticed I get like this and every time he has to tell himself “she isn’t always like this, this will pass” and that’s the only reason he’s been able to stay with me. I literally am laying on the couch crying my eyes out today cause I asked if I could talk to my husband and clear the air (we got into it big earlier) and he said “I will talk when I’m ready I am not calm enough” and I literally starting crying bc he doesn’t want to communicate. It would be easy if I could just tell myself nothing is this serious to cry and shake about BUT when your whole body thinks you’re dying it’s not easy. How do I tell myself things are not as bad as my mind is telling me ? Does anyone else experience this