My mother

Recently, I invited my mom and dad and brother over for lunch. We don't do this often at my house even though they are close because my dogs have been crazy the first couple years of life and I have suffered from anxiety/ depression that has caused company to be unbearable. Now that I'm medicated and my dogs are better they came over and it was a little awkward but nice and after they left I got a call from my mom. She didn't want to offend me, but there was no way she was going to sit on my couch because it was gross and offered me a couch that they inherited from my grandfather and have no room for. We accepted because we love that couch, but my mom dropped another hint that my house smelled, and asked me if I planned on selling China my grandparents were giving me (uh hell no) and got defensive when I asked how old the couch was out of curiosity (like they thought I had nefarious plans for it too?). Am I over reacting? I feel like my mom has a very low opinion of me recently and I'm not sure what sparked it. We do very well for how much money we make, have never asked for anything, and they have always been very supportive. It makes me want to cry. Am I over reacting?