Sharp cramping pain


I’m 32 weeks & 3 days, I woke up today around noon (sleeping schedule is all messed up). Anyways, I rolled over to my right side & had a TERRIBLE cramp once I laid on that side, I figured it was because I had to pee, so I got up used the restroom & laid back down & I’ve had a sharp cramping pain on my right side ever since, around the areas my right ovary would be.. It is continuous, not painful, just makes me uncomfortable & hard not to notice.. My daughter has been moving, but not as much as she did yesterday, which I haven’t thought much of because some days she’s super active & some days she doesn’t move as much.. My question is, I guess, is would the pain I’m having being Round Ligament pain? Or just that part of my body stretching? Or should I be more concerned?