Fighting sleep- update

Damn child, fighting sleep for FIVE FUCKING HOURS. I can't even, I'm stressed, husband tried but is clueless and scared her making things worse. I'm just so over this. GO TO SLEEP


Thank you ladies. Apologies for my foul language. After finally getting her down around 9pm, we sat and watched comedies to brighten the mood. Warm shower and a night of sleep put half of me back together. She woke a couple of times to nurse but easily went back to sleep.

Found out how husband scared LO.. when he went to grab her from her bed to try and help, all she probably saw was a shadow figure getting her instead of dad. He felt awful, but I told him to just quietly say something next time so she knows it's him. Which he tried the second time and she was fine. I hope tonight isn't a repeat mess 😭 (she does have a nightlight- with how it's set up the light is behind us when we're standing at her bed)