Daycare concern for toddler

Does anyone have a 2/3 year old in two different preschool/daycare settings simultaneously? Like morning in one and afternoons in another? I'm concerned about my daughter starting two new daycares at once, (she's never been in daycare before). Partially because of adjustment but more so because I'm worried about exposing her to two separate cohorts of kids' germs. I know It's common for kiddos to get sick frequently when they first start school but I just worry it'll be a big hit to her health and immune system. Been struggling with the decision for the past few days, have to decide by tonight. (There are other factors involved causing a time crunch). Any experiences? Advice?

To clarify: I have class in the mornings from 7-10am, so she'd be in one daycare on the college campus and then I teach evenings, 5-9pm so she'd be at a daycare near my work. Finding a center open that late has been rough.

I have to choose to either go through with this for the next 3-4 months at least or drop my classes tonight and just try to take them another time/delay the additional license I'm trying to get.

Any advice? TIA.