Baby Fever Rant


I don’t really know where to post this, so I’m sorry if it’s in the wrong place I just really need to rant.

I want kids so badly. I’m 19 and in college, my boyfriend of a little over a year is 18 graduating high school in 2020. He also wants to have kids soon. We don’t have the finances, heck neither of us have our driver’s license...we’re ready mentally and in our hearts but the timing just isn’t right yet. But I want to be a mother so much it hurts...I’m in physical pain thinking about it. I never stop thinking about it. I’m at the point where I cry every time I get my period despite not even TTC. There is nothing more that I want in this world than to be a mom, and it kills me that we can’t even try. I know it’s better to wait. I know that it’ll be better for our little love if we wait. Logically I know it’s just better to wait. But that doesn’t stop me from bawling my eyes out because we can’t yet. Two of our teenage friends have gotten pregnant and while I’m so, so happy for them it hurts. It hurts to watch them do what I’ve wanted my entire life. Waiting is the right thing to do, but it hurts. I feel like I have nobody to talk to because nobody is understanding the gravity of it. My boyfriend shares similar feelings, but being in high school helps him keep a clearer head. There’s nothing to really do about any of this except save up money and hope the right time comes faster.

I’m sorry I really just needed to rant again I’m sorry if this is the wrong group to post it in I really wasn’t sure.