My birth story

Jessica • 20 years old ^married to the love of my life💙 we have a daughter and a son 💙💕💖🤰👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Ok so I'm 16, yeah well I don't feel like telling my whole labor story..I just want to tell the good stuff and funny stuff(; so enjoy. Okay I went into the hospital sept. 1st and had lost my bloody show and was at 1cm and they started cervidil. Nothing really happened besides my small, normal contractions and it was around 11pm and the anaesthetic kept coming in and telling me I could get the epidural when ever I wanted. Well I didn't want it then and he walked out and I had asked my nurse for some sleeping medication but I forgot what it was but apprentice it made me loopy and I had told my mom to tell the anaesthetic I wanted an epidural then she asked me Now? And I said no haha so I don't know why I told her and then I asked her to pick my nose 😂 and then my mom left the room and I called the anaesthetic into the room and asked for the epidural and my mom had came back in by the time he was telling me about it and I was like what and looking at him like yeah okay I don't know what your saying. So he thought I was crazy and my mom had to tell him I had a sleeping/pain med. Now the best part when I was ready to push my beautiful daughter out. My sister,mom, and brothers girlfriend were in there to help me through it and my sister had her phone and it has this stupid ringtone that goes Mooo like a cow lol and when I get on my 3rd push it goes Mooo and everyone stops and looks at her and laughs then I go back to pushing and I they the most beautifulest girl in the entire world and she brightens up my day everyday (: hope y'all enjoyed and have a sense of humor (: