I’m 5 ft exactly and weight 158lbs

So I’m 5 ft. 29 years old And weigh 158lbs, it’s the heaviest I’ve ever been. I also just had a baby 2 months ago so some of the weight is from that. Growing up I was always super tiny, once I turned 21 my weight stayed around 115-120 lbs and I never had an issue with keeping it at that. I ate healthy and worked out regularly but once I met my husband 5 years ago my weight started to go up drastically, I started eating really bad, and lost all motivation to workout. It doesn’t help that my husband is a personal trainer and works at a gym so that makes me feel even worse but for some reason I just can’t get the motivation to workout anymore. When I was living on my own working out and eating clean was so easy but now I just can’t motivate myself at all and it’s sucks. I’ve noticed my husband doesn’t compliment my body anymore but rather always asks when I’m going to start working out.

Can I have some tips on motivation and clean eating? Do you follow any programs or meal plans?