Hes finally here and hes perfect!


So i went into early labor at 36+5 but got sent home due to no progression. I was sitting at 4 cm dilated and 50% effaced for THREE LONG WEEKS with contractions along with it. At 39 weeks exactly my dr finally decided to induce. Come to find out i had a large amount of fluid preventing my sons head from fully pushing down on my cervix to continue to dilate my cervix. I went into the hospital at 2:00pm August 30th and they pumped me with fluids, pitocin, and antibiotics because i was GBS+. None of the nurses would break my water because there was soooo much amniotic fluid that they were afraid his umbilical cord would come down before his head would, so at 8:00pm the on call dr came it and made a tiny pin point hole to my waters and held my sons head and guided it down into my pelvis with her hand! Super uncomfortable but super cool she could do that at the same time! Once my water was broke it was the contractions went crazy and luckily i had gotten my epidural before my water was broke. At about 10:30pm i was complete and ready to push. I pushed for 25 minutes but his head was stuck behind my pelvic bone and his heart rate dropped into the 40's and stayed there. I tried so hard to push and get him out. We tried a vacuum and even tried having me pull on a sheet while a nurse pulled back. He just wasnt coming out anymore. So the on call dr called it and i ended up having my first emergency c section. I was so scared, and they kept trying to put me to sleep because i started panicking but i fought it until i heard my son cry which he didnt do at first. As soon as i heard him cry i knocked out. I didnt get to see my son until i woke up in recovery 2 hours later when they let my fiance bring him to me. My beautiful boy was born 11:12 pm August 30th weighing 8 pounds 8 ounces and 22 inches long! The nurse told me his head was just too big to get it past my pelvic bone 😂 he was born with polysyndactly and has 6 finger and toes on each hand and food as well as the last 4 finger being fused. He worked a little extra when he was growing his sweet little hand and feet but i still couldnt be more in awe of my third child!! Here he is!! My little Roman Kylo!!