friendzone or no?

ok i no this is weird me jus leaving my bf an being pregnant but wen i told my best friend (guy) that i was pregnant he was more excited abt then the babies father he supports me an even tho hes lives like 2 hours away he said he would be there for the best way he can .i talk to him everyday an wen i told him abt the babies father putting his hands on me he drove 2 hours jus to pick me up an take me to my moms he even stayed the whole night an held me while i cried my eyes out all night an even before then hes always been there for me we been friends for 2 years he calls me every night an we stay up til 1 talking .he says he likes me an wants to be with me but i cant right now i have so much going on right now an im going back to school an he lives 2 hours away it would never work so i jus tell him we cant we live 2 hours away an i have a baby on the way witch he says he doesnt care that he wants to be there for me an the baby but wants us to move up there with him i cant jus pick up an move 2 hours away from my family i need my mom an she needs me shes sick an going through a divorce i need to be there for her she has no one else but i really want to be with him but im also scared cause of my last relationship an i need to focus on my baby an im doing the right thing by keeping him in the friendzone or am i stupid ?