Viral rash?

My son had a low grade temp Thursday night and Friday. 2 AM Saturday I woke up and he felt really warm so I took his temp and it was 102.2, gave him tylenol. The rest of the day, it wasn't as high but I did give him tylenol once or twice more. He was being fussier than normal, pulling at his ears every once in awhile, and developed a swollen lymph node behind one ear. Sunday morning I decided to take him in to urgent care and everything checked out to be ear infection..which is what I thought it would be. Fever went away and I figured it was just a small viral thing he had. Well this morning I noticed this rash. It's on his head, neck, back, belly and above & in the side creases by his penis. Does it look like something just viral maybe or more? I did talk to an on call nurse at his doctor's office and she said to wait a day or so because it could be something viral.