This is pretty gross so if you’re easily disgusted or squeamish just stop reading right here.

So, about a month ago I noticed a HUGE pimple on my butt cheek. Right in the center. It was the biggest zit I’ve ever had and it was painful. But I popped it and went on my way. The next day, I got another huge one at the crease of my caboose that was super painful when I walked. I tried popping that one too but it was a little harder to get to. Thought that was weird but whatever. Then a couple days ago, I got a bad pain in the vaginal area so I started feeling around to figure what was going on, and I found another HUGE bump on my vulva. It had a white head and everything. Even tho it was painful enough to make me scream I had to try and get rid of it the only way I knew so I tried popping that too. It popped enough to drain a good bit of the white puss, but it’s still there. Today I got up to pee this morning and got another pain in that area. Checked it out. Yet, another pain. This time on the vaginal lip. That one bled a lot when I tried popping it. So, I just am uneasy over the fact that I have NEVER had any kind of bumps like this before and now, all of a sudden I’ve had four. Is that just a part of getting old or is there something gross going on? I have no idea but before I embarrass myself in front of my doctor I thought I’d see what y’all have to say. Any experiences?

Im happily married and don’t have any other sexual partners, I have pretty good hygiene habits. So, I’m at a loss here. Help??