Soft cervix?Am I going to miscarry?

Barb • mother of 2 amazing boys...after 2 1/2 years and 3 miscarriages, baby boy #3 is joining us May 2020!!💙👶🤰

This my 6th pregnancy, have 2 healthy boys and have since had 3 miscarriages. This time around I have had very strong symptoms (sore breasts,nausea,cramping,headaches,exhausted,etc) up until about 2 days ago. It's like almost all my symptoms have disappeared. A couple days ago I had stronger cramping and some light pink spotting. When I checked yesterday to see if I was still spotting I noticed my cervix was softer and lower than it usually was. I saw my dr yesterday and she didnt seem too concerned. She started me on intravaginal progesterone and booke dmy ultrasound for next week when I will be about 6 1/2 wks. Has anyone gone through this? Did you still carry successfully?