Has anyone had the "feeling it was their month" and conceived that month?

On CD 1..usually I'd feel deflated etc.. But this month I just felt so so positive. I just felt like it was going to be "my" month. Since coming off birth control nearly 4 months ago, I never felt like I had a true period, as aside from being hormonal and the bleeding, I didn't experience the cramps, the breakouts etc. Whereas this month I did. Then when it came to ovulation, I got my 3 high fertility days and then my peak. In this time I had ewcm (which I hadn't had the previous months) and my sex drive rocketed. I know this could all be down to my hormones regulating, but I don't know, I just feel like this month is going to be the month. I'm not getting my hopes up but I am intrigued to know if anyone else felt this way and got their bfp the same cycle?

My best friend who didn't know I was ttc also dreamt that I was pregnant twice during my fertile window which I felt was a sign too.

I'm 5dpo and want these next 10 days to hurry up!

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