
I need opinions!!

This cycle was my second round of <a href="">IUI</a>.

I took a trigger shot on August 28th and did <a href="">IUI</a> August 31st. I ovulated on the 30th. Today I’m 11dpo and 12 days past trigger shot. I’ve been testing out the trigger shot, and this time last month it was out my system by now. Yesterday was a really faint line so I assumed it would be out my system today for sure. I took it at 6:30 this morning and went back to sleep because I just knew it’d be negative. When I checked it at 8:30, there was still a faint line (picture attached). I happened to look at it again at 10:30 (2 hours later) and it was way darker. I know it’s out of the time frame but none of the other ones I’ve taken this month have gotten that much darker after the time frame. Please help! I’m trying not to get my hopes up!!

The pics I’ve attached are compared to the test from yesterday morning. I