Ugggh did we miss it?? 🥺


Warning long post!! So it’s 1:30pm Tuesday, I just did an opk strip and the line is fading, I just got my peak on the digital and positive on the strip yesterday evening around 6:30pm, (I had been testing all day yesterday at 10am negative opk and flashing smiley, at 1:15pm yesterday no change, 5:30pm no change then bam 6:30pm peak solid smiley face!) I was having cramping around my ovaries all day yesterday and a little this morning and my temp spiked from yesterday morning’s 97.07 to this morning 97.70. We bd’d Saturday Morning, nothing Sunday, nothing Monday during the day but then late last night early this morning around 2am we bd’d. Oh and I took an opk strip around 1:30am and it was still blazing positive darker test line then control line (before we bd’d). My question is did we miss it? Do we still have a good chance? Do we continue to bd today and tomorrow??