One month old tomorrow - my darling baby boy πŸ₯°πŸ’™

Dani β€’ 🐻❀🐢🐢 Proud mama bear - πŸ’™Adrian born 11/08/2019

Finally have some time to share my son's birth story, while he lays next to me in a sweet milk induced deep sleep.

On August 11th, 39 + 3, i woke up in the morning at 8am to a rather strong contraction that sent me to the bathroom urgently needing to potty, while i opened the bathroom door i felt a big gush of fluid come out, brushed it off as probably just more annoying pregnancy discharge. You see, up until then everyone i talked to who had kids told me thay my boy would surely be born after my due date, being that he was my first baby and a boy (a.k.a lazier than baby girls, apparently πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ). The night before i felt mild contractions but didn't really think much of it, since i'd been having BHs for a couple of weeks. It was a Sunday so my husband and I were at home with no plans. The contractions kept coming about 20 minutes apart and getting stronger, but still i didn't really believe i was in labor. My hospital bag wasn't yet fully packed, so i decided to finish up packing it just in case. The fact that with every 4th or 5th contraction in a row i would need to use the restroom kiiinda made me think there might be some truth to that "whoa maybe i really AM in labour" thought that kept creeping in my mind every so often that morning. By 2pm i was convinced i had to go to the hospital to get checked, after bouncing on my birthing ball for a few hours and noticing my contractions getting stronger and closer together. hubby drove our two dogs to our favorite pet hote. Before heading to L&D i decided hubby and I needed to buy a few last items for our baby's room (laundry hamper, hangers for baby clothes, a humidifier and some other stuff, i know... shopping totally couldn't wait πŸ™„) so we headed to the stores, and i was very much looking forward to getting a little more walking done, as i was convinced it would help me get ready to have the baby sooner. I was having contractions left and right and was covered in a cold sweat by the time we got home, around 4pm, i knew it was time to head to the hospital. I wanted to jump in the shower to get ready but my hubby beat me to it (ikr...?! rude!) and i decided to bounce on my ball a bit longer till he was done πŸ˜‚ We finally got to the hospital at 6:30pm, and they checked me, my water definitely broke and there was no amniotic fluid left, i was dilated to a 2 and not at all effaced. I was sure i was in for a long night. They hooked me up to a monitor and checked baby's vitals, he was fine, chilling in my belly like nothing major was up. But my contractions started picking up. They decided to admit me because my membranes had ruptured, so we headed up to L&D. They started monitoring my contractions around 7pm and they were getting way worse, especially since the midwife was making me lay down in bed during them, imho worst position to be laboring in πŸ™„ i kept asking them to let me get up and walk around, which finally they did. Then the midwife asked me if i wanted an epidural, and i said no, she spent about 10 minutes trying to convince me to get one, in my country if you don't get one by 4cm, they won't administer it after that, and i was measuring at a 3-4 at my last check, progressing pretty fast. I told her i wanted an all natural birth, no meds, and i wanted my baby in my arms right after birth. She let me have my way after i promised i wouldn't change my mind when it was to late. Around 9pm my contractions started getting really really bad, i could barely stand up, i could barely breathe during them, when the midwife had me laid down to check my cervix during contractions i could swear they were the worst pain i had ever felt. She told me baby was still pretty high up but that during contractions i was dilating to a 10 so she wanted me to do some practice pushes while the doctor was headed in to the hospital. So i started pushing, which felt like a little bit of a relief during those horrible painful contractions, but also it freaked me out a bit because it felt like i could barely control my body during the pushes, it's like i was on autopilot, and all my midsection and pelvic muscles were on overdrive. I suddenly felt the urge to pee and i begged the midwife to let me go to the bathroom, she told me to come right out if i felt pressure like i needed to go nr 2, which of course i did, the moment i sat down on the toilet. I felt a massive urge to push, and i told her i would do a few pushes just until i felt him descend low enough, and she agreed. After 3 huge pushes i felt my baby right in my vagina, ready to pop out it seemed, so i told the midwife and she urged me to come out and climb right on the delivery bed. The doctor had arrived as well, it was about 9:45pm and we were ready to push "for real", we waited for my next contraction and i pushed harder than i ever had in my life, i burst so many capilaries in my face from them not letting me exhale slowly while pushing. After 3 huge pushes the doctor told me to brace myself that my boy was crowning and we would go for one final epic push to get him out, he got up next to me and pressed his hands on my belly, and as one last contraction came, i pushed with all the strength i could gather, and i felt my boy fly out πŸ˜… it was 22:05 and I had made it through, he was out and healthy as can be, he started crying as soon as he was out, and i started ugly crying when i heard his voice for the first time. A few seconds later he was on my chest ❀ his eyes were halfway open and he was softly crying his lower lip was shaking, i took his hand in mine and noticed he had my husbands' fingers πŸ’™ in the meantime the midwife delivered my placenta, and afterwards the doctor started suturing me, I tore badly at the opening inside my vagina and they had to give me an episiotomy too, to prevent a full 3rd degree tear. I swear the sutures took longer than the actual expulsion, after about 30 minutes i was all stiched up, hurt like hell btw, my son coming out hurt less than the damned stitches πŸ˜‚ 3h and 30 minutes after we got to the hospital my boy was here. my husband was awesome too, didn't freak out once and helped me as much as he could. I don't know if i would do it all exactly the same when i decide to have my next baby, i might get that epidural after all, those contractions near the end are a real killer, and if i tear again, would definitely wanna be numb down there πŸ˜… doc gave me some local anaesthesia for the stiches but i still felt everything, probably from the adrenaline rush. To me pushing seemed easier than breathing through those last contractions before the expulsion phase, tbh.

Here's my little dude when he was born πŸ˜‚

And here he is one day later at the hospital ❀

And finally now, 1 month old, my handsome baby boy Adrian Constantin, love him to bits πŸ’™β€