Chorionic Bump


Hi all,

I just wanted to give you all a little uplifting story for those who went through something similar. I hadn’t had a true period since birth control so my dating was weird prompting more frequent US for dating. When I went in the first time I was just 4 weeks so all we saw was a sac.

At 6 weeks we were really excited to hear the big news.. well we didn’t. Instead we were told that I had a missed miscarriage which hit me harder than I thought. The OBGYN stated the fetal pole was malformed, there was no yolk sac nor heart beat. She scheduled a formal US as all of these are done with older less precise machines the following day but she was very confident in her findings and would help me schedule a d&c afterwards.

At the formal US the following day I tried keeping myself together and the tech could see my anxiety so she wasn’t explaining anything and at the end told me the physician would be in shortly. Thinking it’d be my OB I then see a radiologist who said “Congratulations! Baby has a great Heartbeat!” I was so shook from this. The small chorionic bump had obscured the views from the day prior. After this appointment I was on pins and needles for 2 weeks straight.

Well, today was my 8 week appointment and I’m happy to announce baby is doing awesome!!! I’m by no ways out of the woods yet but I wanted to give you some hope that have been given this diagnosis as early as I did. The doctor today was no longer concerned with bump and couldn’t see it on their machine (though a more in depth one may spot it hopefully being absorbed down the line!!